Day 1 – Tuesday 21 May

08:30Registration all Day
09:30Opening ceremonyroom / hall
10:30Keynote session IPatrick FLANDRINroom / hall
11:30Tea and coffee Break
12:00Parallel Oral Session Iroom / hall
13:00Lunch break
14:30Keynote session IIGiovanni DE MARCOroom / hall
15:30Workshop IMohamed YOUSSFIroom / hall
Parallel Oral sessions IIroom / hall
16:30Tea and coffee Break
17:00Workshop IMohamed YOUSSFIroom / hall
Parallel Oral sessions IIroom / hall

Day 2 – Wednesday 22 May

08:30Registration all Day
09:00Keynote session IIIYoussef OUKNINEroom / hall
10:00Workshop IIHafidh S. ALSAMARRAIroom / hall
11:30Tea and coffee Break
12:00Workshop IIHafidh S. ALSAMARRAIroom / hall
Parallel Oral sessions IIIroom / hall
13:00Lunch break
14:30Keynote session IVroom / hall
15:30Workshop IIIroom / hall
Parallel Oral sessions IVroom / hall
16:30Tea and coffee Break
17:00Workshop IIIroom / hall
Parallel Oral sessions IVroom / hall
19:00Gala dinner

Day 3 – Thursday 23 May

08:30Registration all Day
09:00Keynote session V…………………………….room / hall
10:00Parallel Oral sessions Vroom / hall
11:30Closing ceremonyroom / hall
12:00Final buffet